Sunday, August 21

Benefits of honey, Natural health benefits

Honey contents almost all vitamins which our bodies need , A, B1, K, B2,B3, H these are the stronger vitamins which the body absorb within two hours or less.

There are also metals and salts like iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, calcium, In addition to hormones effective to fight diseases and germs. Let's begin with its importance about the beauty.

For bright skin you can use to paint your face while you are lying for 20 minutes or 15 then wash your face with warm water and use cream. Try these tips for a week then you can see the results.

For the treatment of wounds. Honey is useful to treat and deal with wounds. Put it on the placement of the wound with bandage on it or fabric plaster and don't wash it for three days.

For the treatment of insomnia. A glass of warm milk with tablespoon of  honey, one hour before sleep.

ulcer of the stomach. Drink it with milk in the morning or without milk but, it is important to be before breakfast.

for pyorrhea and strengthen the teeth. Vinegar and honey mixed together in a glass then use it for mouthwash. It can be effective treatment for halitosis and microbes.

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