Thursday, August 11

Blogger Meta tags, preparing blog for SEO

several simple tips to learn about SEO and how to improve blog search engines traffic by making adjustments which allow you to control your blog's title to fit with search engines lists and can find your blog easily by determining keywords in your title. It's up to you to use the most popular words to link them with the topic. Not any word that irrelevant with content and the purpose of the topic, you can lose your audiences by confusing topics, So who are the audiences ? they are people who want to come back to your site to see interesting topics and come back if your results appear in list of google search or yahoo, so useful content can bring more excellent results by using like these tricks if the content is really meaningful.

1- Replace your posts title instead of blog title because search engines crawlers will write about something related to their interests, they will not write your blog' title. Follow this step in your blog HTML editor. First Download Full Template before you make anything Choose Expand Widget Templates Find this code     <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
&lt;data:blog.&lt;span style="background: yellow;" class="goog-spellcheck-word"&gt;pageTitle&lt;/span&gt;/&gt; change it with the following code

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='description'/>

Then save your template

2- Add HTML tag description to your blog and keywords to let search engines know the purpose of your blog. You can write a brief description and keywords . Add this code below code in step 1 and change it with your own description and keywords.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content="YourKeywords"
<meta content="Blog description" name="description"/>

Then save your template. You can test how it works if something wrong did not work properly. Inter to this site Meta blog stats and write your blog address then hit Go. share it with social networking sites like facebook, twitter and so.

3- Try to improve posts that do not more traffic by changing or add helpful information to get many important. Write each day one post at least. You will not reach at the top immediately in first day because you have to be patient , you should work and wait to see great results. It is hard at the beginning but, it is worth the effort.

4- Write your title carefully and add those keywords in the title with a suitable sentence because this is the most important for search engines optimization, so do not write shorter or longer title, balance is required.

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