Machine language is the only way that the processor's family understand which consists of binary numbers called bits or digits, only 1s and 0s , so each signal of instruction is a long stream these numbers or bits (1-0). Machine language is considered as a low level language even though these simple numbers 1s and 0s to write and also without interpreter or translator to translate the numbers to machine language, but it considered slower language to write a program and more difficult because to do simple instruction may transfer data or content of specific location in the main memory into the CPU, we have to provide many instructions to carry out simple task.
This is example for a program written in machine language:
10111011 11010001 10010110
As you can see these bits carry out a certain task and each group of these three 1s and 0s consist of 8 digits or bits because 1 byte equals 8 bits. In machine language to accomplish one another example and step in certain CPU and move the data from the accumulator ( accumulator is a small register found in the CPU ) to the main memory 53281 is: 10001101 00100001 11010000 . That is!. These instructions of binary numbers to deal with all the processor's family, so the first byte which consists of 8 bits 10001101 is responsible for the instruction that refers to store the contents of the accumulator in the memory to be translated by control unit ( in CPU ) and the second and third bytes which contain each one 8 bits can perform also the complement of this value like ( give the memory address of the location in which the contents should be stored ).
simple a binary joke before ending this post:
There are only 10 different kinds of people in the world: those who know binary and those who don't.
simple a binary joke before ending this post:
There are only 10 different kinds of people in the world: those who know binary and those who don't.
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