Scientific notation is a kind of shorthand method to express numbers always used in computer science to represent large numbers. For example if we want to express any number in scientific notation we first divide the number by 10, then divide the result by 10 and so, until you get number less than 10. We want to represent 1673 in scientific notation, get the calculator and, 1673 / 10 = 167.3, 167.3 / 10 = 16.73, 16.73 / 10 = 1.673. Final result is 1.673 in scientific notation = 1673. This is quite simple as we see we divided it by 10 until it reduced to a number less than 10.
But, what are the indications about how we got this answer and how can we return it to its original value?. Since the final result = 1.673 and we divided it by 10 three times, so multiply it by 10 until we have the original value, 1.673 * 10 * 10 * 10 = 1673, it means 1.673 * 10^3.
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